Sometimes it's hard to know where to turn for support. If you’re not sure where to start, this is a summary of what is available to you from the University. 

Student Hub 

The Student Hub is the first point of contact for areas relating to student support and advice. They will be able to signpost you to services that may be suitable to your needs. 
You can also talk to a range of specialist advisers at the Student Hub in the centre of campus. They can provide advice and information to help you manage your wellbeing as well as guidance and information on practical matters such as:
  • private sector housing in York
  • employment rights and consumer issues
  • money matters
  • childcare
  • visas and immigration advice
  • taking a break from your studies/ leaving the University.

College support

Speak to a member of your College team, such as College Manager, College Life Coordinator or College Life Advisor, for support. Your college provides a focus for social and community life, as well as help with day-to-day matters.
Your college team are there throughout the year, offering support and guidance. They can help with issues relating to college life, accommodation, and activities.

Academic Supervisor

A member of your teaching department will act as your supervisor throughout your course. They'll advise you on your academic progress and can help with your personal development, or signpost you to other services within the University. You'll meet up regularly through the academic year, so they will be familiar with your academic work and personal interests.

Disability Services

We're committed to providing the best possible support for students with a disability or Specific Learning Difficulty. Their experienced specialist advisers can offer advice and guidance for students with a range of disabilities including:
  • Dyslexia and Specific Learning Difficulties
  • Asperger syndrome
  • Visual and hearing impairments
  • Mental health difficulties
  • Mobility impairments
  • Long term health conditions.
Contact Disability Services for advice on reasonable adjustments to teaching, assessments, and exams. They can also provide study skills support and referral to other support services within the University.

Open Door Team

Open Door Team is a team of professionals provide support to students experiencing psychological or mental health difficulties. They can work in tandem with the NHS, your GP or other services if you're receiving therapeutic or medical help for a long-term condition.

Campus Safety Team

If you feel unsafe whilst on campus or you’re worried about someone else's safety, you can call Campus Safety 24 hours a day every day of the year. For an emergency, ring freephone 0800 43 3333. For non-emergencies call 01904 32 4444 instead. Alternatively, you can use the Safezone App.

Health Centre

The health centre closest to campus, Unity Health, offers GP appointments, a repeat prescription service and walk-in clinics. You can register for the practice online. If you take any medication, have a long term health condition or disability you should contact them before you arrive, so they can help you make a smooth transition. 

Sexual Violence Liaison Officers (SVLOs)

Offer one-to-one practical and emotional support and can provide information on internal and external reporting procedures and support services. Support is led by your needs and you will not be pressured into taking any particular course of action. Complete this form to contact the SVLOs.

York Samaritans 

The Samaritans can be called for free on 116 123 for non-judgemental emotional support 24/7, regardless of what you’re going through. You can also email them at York Samaritans offer a York drop-in service on Nunnery Lane

Talk Campus

TalkCampus is an online mental health peer support network just for students, accessed via an app or web platform. It offers instant, ongoing global support at any time of the day or night, wherever students are in the world, supporting over 26 languages.  It is available to all students,  who register using their university email address.

Support Communities

Cultural student societies (such as African Caribbean, Chinese, Polish, Saudi) are open to anyone and  a great way to meet people. A great way to learn about different cultures, search York SU societies to see what’s available.
The Student Hub also provides support for specific student groups such as care leavers, mature students, students with children. Find out more on the student support and advice web page.

Faith Chaplaincy and Spiritual Support

Our Christian chaplains are available for people of all faiths or none and there is a list of contacts for a variety of faiths. There are a number of faith-based student societies and there are also dedicated spaces for prayer and reflection on campus. Find out more about about Faith and Religion.

Student Union - independent advice and support

York SU Advice and Supportoffer confidential, independent and non-judgmental advice on a range of wellbeing and academic issues. They are able to speak with you about your situation, and make you aware of the support services available to you within the University and more widely, as well as to make you aware of your options. They can also help you to decide if you would like to report an incident, and can assist you in completing the reporting form.
Find more information about the support available from York SU Advice and Support.

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